Trimboli Genealogy


If your name is Trimboli, there is an overwhelmingly large chance that you can trace your family back to the 40 mile radius shown on this detail map of Italy. Among the towns that Trimbolis have reported as their family's place of origin:

  • Milazzo, Province of Messina, Region of Sicily (my family)

  • Lipari, Province of Messina, Region of Sicily (a beautiful island)

  • Messina, Province of Messina, Region of Sicily (a major city)

  • Reggio di Calabria, Region of Calabria (a smaller city)

  • Plati, Region of Calabria (a village)


So it's a bit difficult to link to, mostly because they don't like to give away ANY content for free, but it is an unparalleled resource for documentation, dna, and making connections. It's worth subscribing at least for a few months. The user "familytree1364" has built a very large tree that includes just about every Trimboli that he could find. If your people aren't in there, you could chat with him about it. If you're really interested in an exhaustive search, you might consider hiring him as an expert researcher.